Advantages and Disadvantages of state funding of parties


Advantages and Disadvantages of state funding of parties


  • Parties play an important role in representative democracy, so they deserve state funding
  • Public funding would remove the great disparity in resources available to different- sized parties.
  • If the State matched donations by party members, it might encourage participation
  • It would curb the possibility corrupt influence of private backers on party policies


  • Increased state funding could lead to calls for greater state regulation
  • It is hard to decide how much support a party should have to quantify for funding
  • Public funding could isolate parties from the wishes of voters
  • Taxpayer would resent compulsory contributions to parties of which they disapprove.


Although State funding has many benefits, such as reducing the influence of big money interests and increasing pluralism, the practicality of such as system is poor and many people would be outraged that their taxes are being used to support parties they do not support. Therefore, I believe that with proper and strict regulations, parties funded by their own supports is the best option


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