Act Utilitarianism and Rule utilitarianism


Act Utilitarianism and Rule utilitarianism


  • Both theories aim to maximise utility
  • could be argued that both are the same theory except that rule utilitarianism has rules in place to follow in specific circumstances


  • rule utilitarianism consists of moral rule system whereas Act utilitarianism calculates the moral worth
  • act utilitarianism is quantity based, rule is quality based
  • Bentham uses the utility calculus to calculate moral worth
  • Act utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory that goes against human intuition
  • Mill provides a theory that values human rights within his moral law system
  • Mill states that secondary principles should be what th emaxims are based off of

Overall comparison

There are more fundamental differences between the two theories as overall rule utilitarianism takes a more traditional moral approach by using a ruling system for people to follow clearly and in Act utilitarianism any action can be completely justified so long as it follows with the principle of utility.




So helpful Thankyou !!!