Abraham as a founding father


Abraham as a founding father


  • He had numerous encounters with G_d
  • He was always faithful and trusting in G_d. Even when others were sceptical, Abraham believed so strongly in his faith that he was willing to follow G_d blindly.
  • He fathered G_d's chosen people and through his legacy and son Isaac continued the religion, his influence helping to shape it into the faith it is today.
  • He represented the Jewish people as a spokesperson between them and G_d through the Covenant.


  • He is considered a figure of legend with no written evidence from near the time to support his existence.
  • Moses is an alternative figure who also has strong claims as a founding father - such as receiving the ten commandments which are a key principle of the religion.


Though it is difficult to form a conclusion on such a controversial topic, I consider Abraham to be the true founding father as he was always loyal, embodying the true characteristics of a founding father. Especially when considered alongside the flaws of Moses, his case seems the most convincing. However, it is important to remember that Moses was also a very important and respected figure within the religion and his contribution in shaping the religion must also be recognised.


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