A2 English: Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs - War

  • Created by: SBowles1
  • Created on: 14-06-16 13:04


Summary/Things to Remember

'The Promoters of War Mania' - Emma Goldman (March 1917)

'Report from the Spanish Civil War' - Nancy Cunard (9 February 1939)

'On Surviving the London Blitz' - Helen Kirkpatrick (9 September 1940)

'Dachau' - Martha Gellhorn (1945)

'On the American Invasion of Inchon, Korea' - Marguerite Higgins (18 September 1950)

'Report from Vietnam: I. The Home Program' - Mary McCarthy (20 April 1967)

'Mountainsides of Hell' - Julie Flint (14 April 1991)

'Regarding the Torture of Others' - Susan Sontag (23 May 2004)


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