1923 Germany

  • Created by: xXAliceXx
  • Created on: 27-04-14 18:02
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  • Years of Unrest 1919-1923
    • Reasons for discontent
      • Blamed others for losing the war, including the communists (KPD), Jews and government.
      • Denied they had lost the war- blamed the 'November Criminals'
      • Government seen as weak and ineffective- TOV had made living conditions worse in Germany.
      • Thousands poor and staving- influenza epidemic killed thousands
    • Riots and Rebellions
      • Spartacist Revolt, 1919, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht (communist leaders)- crushed by the Freikorps.
      • 1920- the Kapp Putsch. Some Freikorps (right-wing) joined in, led by Wolfgang Kapp and managed to take over Berlin and form a new government.
        • Workers staged a general strike, and Kapp gave up, knowing he was not supported.
          • Rebels not punished- many judges sympathised.
            • 1920- the Kapp Putsch. Some Freikorps (right-wing) joined in, led by Wolfgang Kapp and managed to take over Berlin and form a new government.
              • Workers staged a general strike, and Kapp gave up, knowing he was not supported.
                • Rebels not punished- many judges sympathised.
        • In 1922 Walter Rathenau, the Jewish, foreign minister assasinated by former Freikorp.
          • Many Germans now anti-semetic, used jews as scapegoats.
            • Riots and Rebellions
              • Spartacist Revolt, 1919, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht (communist leaders)- crushed by the Freikorps.
              • In 1922 Walter Rathenau, the Jewish, foreign minister assasinated by former Freikorp.
                • Many Germans now anti-semetic, used jews as scapegoats.
        • 1923- Crisis Year
          • Hyperinflation- came to a peak in 1923.
            • Production can't keep up with the amount of money being printed, so money keeps losing value.
            • 3 main results:
              • Middle class' bank savings became worthless.
              • Wages paid twice a day before prices went up again.
              • The German mark became worthless.
          • Occupation of the Ruhr
            • French and Belgian troops occupied the Ruhr (Germany's main industrial region)
              • Passive resistance- made the situation worse as Germany wasn't making any money.
          • Munich Putsch
            • Things going badly for the Weimar Republic- it seemed weak.
              • Hitler and the Nazis planned to overthrow the the government , and take control
                • Occupied a beer hall in Munich, Bavaria where local government leaders were meeting, and the next day declared revolution had begun.
                  • Marched into Munich with the SA, but the police and army were waiting- revolt quickly collapsed.
                    • Hitler given 5 year sentence, served 9 months (supportive judges) and 16 Nazis killed.
            • Reasons Hitler carried it out:
              • Nazis stronger than ever
              • Nationalists furious with WR for calling off general strike
              • Thought he would be helped by important politicians
              • Huge army of SA
              • Hoped to copy Mussolini (Italian fascist leader).
        • Results of Munich Putsch
          • Munich Putsch
            • Things going badly for the Weimar Republic- it seemed weak.
              • Hitler and the Nazis planned to overthrow the the government , and take control
                • Occupied a beer hall in Munich, Bavaria where local government leaders were meeting, and the next day declared revolution had begun.
                  • Marched into Munich with the SA, but the police and army were waiting- revolt quickly collapsed.
                    • Hitler given 5 year sentence, served 9 months (supportive judges) and 16 Nazis killed.
            • Reasons Hitler carried it out:
              • Nazis stronger than ever
              • Nationalists furious with WR for calling off general strike
              • Thought he would be helped by important politicians
              • Huge army of SA
              • Hoped to copy Mussolini (Italian fascist leader).
          • Hitler wrote 'Mein Kampf' in prison- described his beliefs and ambitions. It was a bestseller in Gemany.
          • Hitler decided to change tactics- Nazi party banned, but after being released, Hitler re-established it as leader.
            • Hitler decided the only way to achieve his ambitions was through the democratic system. He used national propaganda to raise awareness and support.
        • Stresemann and the Golden Years
          • Chancellor for a few months, then Foreign Minister.Thought working with other countries was Germany's best chance of recovery.
            • Changed currency to fight hyperinflation.(celled Rentenmark)
            • Dawes Plan- 800 million marks to boost economy and industry.
            • Locarno Treaty- agreements with other countries.
            • Called off passive resistance.
            • Joined League of Nations.
            • As economy increased, industry began to provide jobs.


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