X-rays and Ultrasound

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  • X-rays and Ultrasound
    • x-rays in medicine
      • they are high frequency, short wavelength electromagnetic waves
      • they pass through healthy tissue but are absorbed by denser materials such as bone and metal
      • they affect photographic film and create a negative image
      • can be used to diagnose medical conditions such as bone fractures or dental problems
      • can be formed electronically using charge-coupled devices (silicon chips that divide into a grid of millions of identical pixels
      • radiographers take precautions by wearing lead aprons and standing behind a lead screen or sometimes leaving the room when the scans take place to reduce the amount of radiation they are exposed to
    • uses of x-rays in medicine
      • CT scans
        • use x-rays to produce high resolution images of soft and hard tissue
        • patient goes inside a cylindrical scanner where an x-ray beam is fired through the body
        • x-ray tubes and detectors are rotated during the CT scan
        • a lot of x-rays are used which can be dangerous due to the radiation
      • Treat Cancer
        • x-rays can cause ionisation which kills living cells
        • they have to be carefully focused and at just the right dosage to kill the cancer cells withut damaging any other cells
        • the x-rays are focused on the tumour using a wide beam
        • the beam is roated round the patient with the tumour at the centre
    • Ultrasound
      • has a higher frequency than we can hear
      • some waves are reflected off the boundary and some is transmitted (partial reflection)
      • you can point a pule of ultrasound at any object and it will get reflected back
      • oscilloscopes can be used to find boundaries
      • if given the seconds per divion you can work out the time between the pulses by measuring on the screen
      • s = v x t s= distance v = speed t = time
    • Ultrasound Uses
      • Breaking Down Kidney Stones
        • ultrasound beam concentrates high-energy waves at the kidney stones and turns them into sand-like particles
        • the particles then pass out of the body through the urine
        • good method because it is relatively painless and stops the patients from needing surgery
      • Pre-natal Scanning of a Fetus
        • ultrasound waves pass through the body but once they reach a boundary between two different media some of the wave is reflected back and detected
        • the exact timing and distribution of these echoes are processed by a computer to produce a video image of the fetus
    • is medical imaging safe?
      • ultrasound waves are non-ionising so safe
      • x-rays are ionising, they can cause cancer if you are exposed to a too high dose
      • x-rays are NOT safe to be used on developing babies
      • CT scans use more radiation than ausual x-ray so are not taken unless they are really needed


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