WW1 weapons. proper

  • Created by: Max ww
  • Created on: 25-04-17 12:04
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  • WW1 weapons.
    • Tanks
      • To start with they were unreliable and had many mechanical problems, some even broke down whilst being shot at.
        • This was soon improved and they soon began to not keeping on braking down.
      • They scared any invading troops as they looked menacing as no one had ever seen them before.
      • Invented by British in 1916
      • They were designed to crush barbed wire and other obstacles and crate a brake through.
      • Not very effective to start with but soon became very effective
    • Gas
      • The German army were the first to use chlorine gas at the battle of Ypres in 1915.
      • Chlorine gas causes a burning sensation in the throat and chest pains. Death is painful, you suffocate.
      • The problem with chlorine gas is that the weather must be right. If the wind is in the wrong direction it could end up killing your own troops rather than the enemy.
      • Very effective if weather was right.
    • Machine Guns
      • Machine guns needed 4-6 men to work them and had to be on a flat surface. They had the fire-power of 100 guns
      • They fired 10 bullets a second and could mow down any advancing troops.
      • Very effective.
    • Planes
      • At first they were used to deliver bombs and for spying work but became fighter aircraft armed with machine guns, bombs and some times cannons
      • Fights between two planes in the sky became known as ‘dogfights’
      • effective with the right weapons onboard.
      • Zeppelin's.
        • At the stat they caused morale to dropped and people feared further raids and believed that a German invasion would follow
        • Effective to start with (killing over 500 people) but soon they were stopped by planes with special bullets called  incendiary
    • War at sea
      • Battle of Jutland
        • Germany's claim: Britain lost 14 ships compared to Germany's 11.
        • Both thought they had won.
      • Submarine warfear
        • Depth charges dropped into water to scare subs away.
        • Q-ships - war ships disguised as merchant ships set out to confuse the Germans and surprise them.
        • Mines and submarine nets were placed down in the Dover Straits, meaning Germany had to waste time and fuel by travelling around Scotland
        • Britain introduced armed convoys. All merchant ships had to travel in groups with guarded warships with depth charges
        • Under water radar was later introduced to direct any under water movement or engine sounds.
        • Germany wanted to push Britain into surrendering by stopping any food supplies getting to them so blocked any USA merchant ships getting through.
        • Planes couldn't quite get out far enough to protect them because of amount of fuel, so there was a open gap where the Germans could get the ships. soon planes were able to travel far enough to protect them all the way.


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