Economic impact of WW1 on Russia part 2

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  • WW1 and the February revolution- ECONOMIC
    • Life in the countryside was extremely harsh.
      • Jobs in agriculture was passed onto women and children as men in the army.
      • Horses seized for the army-made farming difficult and demanding.
    • Conscription for the Russian army was introduced.
    • Most of the food sent straight to army-got priority over food. The prices peasants got was inadequate.
      • Increase in factories production. However, it came at high cost.
    • INFLATION contributed to economic problems.
      • Prices quadrupled while wages barely doubled.
    • Strikes and protests more common due to economic problems.
    • "Peasants found themselves more in tune with revolutionary groups." PHILIPS
    • In factories there was a lack of basic foodstuff and workers worked in harsh and unsatisfactory conditions.
    • Prices peasants were given for food= INADEQUATE
      • Contributed to food shortages and demand for food as refused to sell and grow.
      • led to some peasants not growing and selling grain as prices dropped and they received a deplorable amount of pay.
  • Prices peasants were given for food= INADEQUATE
    • Contributed to food shortages and demand for food as refused to sell and grow.
    • led to some peasants not growing and selling grain as prices dropped and they received a deplorable amount of pay.


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