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  • Why are there so many perspectives
    • historians and their unique perspectives.
      • Historians come from different backgrounds, learn history from different people and embrace different values and methodologies.
      • Their views and priorities are shaped by their places of origin, the times in which they live and the company they keep.
        • Historians in these schools share a general approach or position on the Cold War and its causes.
        • This does not mean they think alike or advance similar arguments – in fact, they often disagree on…
    • recency of the Cold War and its political divisiveness are also complicating factors
      • Cold War ended less than 30 years ago and its political tensions and competing viewpoints still reverberate in modern societies
        • Unlike historians who focus on a certain part of history i.e Tudors for example, most Cold War historians actually lived through the event they are studying.
  • There are three main movements or schools of thought in Cold War historiography, which are known as the Orthodox, Revisionist and Post-Revisionist schools.


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