Dreams in Of Mice and Men

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  • Dreams in 'Of Mice and Men'
    • George and Lennie dream of a better life
      • They are different, they dont want to work on the ranch till they die
      • They dream of owning their own farm and this dream helps them (especially Lennie) through tough times
      • We never see any evidence that this farm they are talking abhout actually exists
    • Dreams often get physically crushed in the story
      • Lennie crushes Curley's hand, ending his boxing career
      • Curey's wife is crushed by Lennie- destroying her dreams, and that of George,Lennie and Candy
    • People on the ranch are going nowhere
      • George says most men who work on ranches 'work up a stake and they go inta town and blow their stake'
      • George believes that men like this 'ain't got nothing to look ahead to'
      • Sometimes George dreams of this life, he talks of having a girl, having an easy life drinking whisky , shooting pool, and panning for gold
      • At the end of novel, when it seems that hs life might actually be like this, it doesn't seem to make him happy, 'i'll take my fifty bucks an' i'll stay in some lousy cat house'
    • Whit and Carsoln are physically fit, and able to make the moeny to buy themselves whisky and the sex they want. They have no ambitions
      • Because they have no dreams, they just exist, and theyr'e never truly happy or unhappy




Excellent! I was writing an essay based on each of the characters and their dreams however this mind map gave me more ideas :) thank you!

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