SPARTA - women

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  • Women
    • Education
      • 1 - When they were babies, they were given the same amount of care and food (close to nothing) as boys were.
      • 2 - Their mothers and the helot women taught them the basics of reading and writing
      • 3 - Then they learned how to manage estates.
      • 4 - They did not go to the Agôgê, however did receive some public education. For example, they received physical education so that their children would be stronger and she would be able to carry the baby inside of her.
      • 5 - When they exercised in the gymnasium, they too had to be naked like the men - naked women was not shamed like it was in the rest of Greece
    • Marriage
      • Girls were not rushed into marriage and pregnancy, because Spartans believed that if the woman matured completely, the baby she produced would be stronger.
      • When the woman did get married, she had to cut her hair short and get dressed in a man's cloak and sandals
        • This was because men only had sex with other men, so having sex with a female would be different for them. If the bride would look like a man, it would be easier for them
      • Once the man quickly had sex with her to impregnate her, he left in secret, because it was shameful to be caught.
    • Economical power
      • Spartan women did not do house work because it wad believed to be below their status to do so, thus the helots did it.
      • They were the manager of the farming estate. They allocated which food was going to her husband's syssition and which was going to feed her family.
      • They had complete economical power over the estate - they made decisions over crop, equipment, and what to do with extra food that was produced
      • If a Spartan woman did ot have any brothers, she could inherit her father property making her a wealthy heiress. Because many men wanted to marry these women, the kings had to decide who was going to marry her
    • Upholding the Ethos
      • Women had to be patriotic and tell her son that it was loyal and glorious to die for Sparta.
        • If a women's son died in battle, she did not mourn his death, but celebrated it.
      • A women was expected to give her son up to her son to the state forever.
      • Women were a valuable propaganda weapon for scaring and impressing other Greeks.
    • The Greek view of Spartan women
      • Many were disgusted that women had so much freedom, and believed that the men were weak because they were ruled by their wives.
      • Some were scared that the women in their state would be influenced by the Spartan women and try to be powerful and free like them.
      • Some women  envied of the Spartan Women's freedom and power over her husband.


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