'Wolsey was succesful in reforming domestic policies from the year 1515 to 1525'

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  • 'Wolsey was successful in the reforming of domestic policies in the years 1515-1525- Assess the validity?'
    • Against
      • Amicable grant
        • Caused rebellion
        • Proved that wasn't as powerful as he assumed
        • Became a target for opponents at a vulnerable time
          • Focus on speaking about the fact that it was a failure because he used the same approach as the previous King thus it is not exactly a reform and the fact that he underestimated the power of the nobility leading to his downfall and therefore all his hard work in reforming the kingdom ended in nothing due to the fact that he was becoming too powerful and therefore 1. a threat to Henry somewhat and 2. A bigger target for his opposition as the court was aware of Henry's impulsiveness
      • Relationship with the nobility
        • Carrot/stick approach used by Henry 7th
          • Killing the Duke of Buckingham
            • Resulted in people disliking him and thus waiting for him to fail
              • Focus on speaking about the fact that it was a failure because he used the same approach as the previous King thus it is not exactly a reform and the fact that he underestimated the power of the nobility leading to his downfall and therefore all his hard work in reforming the kingdom ended in nothing due to the fact that he was becoming too powerful and therefore 1. a threat to Henry somewhat and 2. A bigger target for his opposition as the court was aware of Henry's impulsiveness
    • For
      • Court of Star Chamber
        • Most distinctive legal contribution
          • Committee set up in 1519 in order to deal with cases involving the poor
        • Increase cheap and fair justice
          • Encouraged use of star for private law suits which proved too successful
        • Cases of alleged misconduct by people who were dominant in their localities
      • Court of Chancery
        • Tried to uphold justice
      • Subsidy/ Tax collection
  • Focus on the fact that he reformed all of those things drifting away from Henry the 7ths legacy and therefore pleasing the King. In addition speak of how previously under Henry the 7ths reign the court would abuse their power and often take lands for themselves from wills showing change within the Kingdom. The fact it became popular also implies how it was successful. Change in taxes is also important as previously tax collection was associated with hate however now it is a much fairer system and therefore there is an increase of equality within the Kingdom


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