Wind Speed and Direction

  • Created by: AlaElharm
  • Created on: 26-09-17 10:06
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  • Wind: the effects of urban structures and layout on wind speed, direction and frequency.
    • Wind speed affected by roughness of buildings and direction affected by position and height of buildings
    • Wind velocity can be 30% lower in urban areas
    • New York - urban canyon winds, narrower streets, taller buildings so they have higher wind speeds as the air is compressed into restricted streets producing the Venturi Effect
    • tall buildings provide frictional drag which creates turbulence which disrupts the flow of air and causes rapid changes in direction and speeds
    • spaced out buildings act as single blocks whereas closely packed buildings in the cities allow wind to move to th top which leaves the lower urban canopy with less turbulence
    • In rural areas there is not much change in direction and speed as there is less friction at the surface


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