Why the Five Year Plans were intorduced

  • Created by: C.P.
  • Created on: 28-02-14 22:24
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  • Why the Five Year Plans were intorduced
    • Economic motives
      • The VSNKh was not effective at improving the factories as they simply replaced the ineffective factories
      • Only 50% of grain that had been sold outside of villages in 1913 was being sold in 1926.
      • Stalin’s advisers told him that with the modernisation of farming, the Soviet Union would require 250,000 tractors, but by 1927, they only had 7000. 
      • From 1913 to 1928 oil production had only increased by 26%
      • There had only been a 7% increase in the amount of lorries from 1913 to 1928
      • From 1913 to 1928 coal production had only increased by 21%
    • Social motives
      • The Komosol only served to worsen the image of the state
      • In 1922, 500,000 were unemployed in the heavy industry sector
      • Capitalism was seen as more preferable to communism
      • Mir's had a stronger influences over the peasantry than the state did
    • Political motives
      • In 1927, there was a raid by the British government on the Soviet trade mission in London.
      • Foreign capitalist countries assisted the white during the civil war
      • . In China communists were attacked by the Kuomintang forces of Chiang Kai Shek
      • As the majority of the rank and file communists wanted rapid industrialization, it made sense for Stalin to follow the popular opinion
      • Assassination of Pyotr Voykov in 1927
      • Stalin was hoping to capitalist on the Wall Street Crash as it would make socialism look successful
      • The fact that Russia had still not developed an operational tank by 1928 showed they were still a largely peasant state
      • After the defeat of the left Stalin saw his chance to become the undisputed leader the USSR
      • The NEP was meant to be a temporary measure


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