Why have pressure groups grown in number in the modern age?

  • Created by: Holly
  • Created on: 16-05-13 15:41
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  • Why have pressure groups grown in number in the modern age?
    • The growing complexity and specialism of modern life.
      • People belong to many sub-groups, which other means of participation do not cater for.
    • The emergance of new issues and the onset of post-naterialism
      • In recent decades, ideas such as ecology, feminism and equality have come to the political agenda due to being relatively wealthy.
    • The growth in the extent and scope of governmental activities in the second half of the 20th century
      • Governments have become increasingly involved in issues such as education, health and housing, which has caused a range of groups to articulate the voices of those whom are affected.
    • The development of a multi-ethnic and multicultural society
      • This has encouraged the formation of a variety of groups to represent particular  minorities.
    • There has been a surge of interest in single-issue campaigning
      • Interest in campaigning in emotive matters such as gay rights, gun control and many more.
    • Improvements in communication have facilitated the trend towards association and organisation.
      • Stimulated group development


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