Why was there a population increase between the year 1625-1688 (England)

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  • Why was there a population increase between the year 1625-1688 (England)
    • Migration
      • Migration was most noticeable in towns - by 1600 migrants made up 35% of Norwich's population
      • The traditional view that people should live their entire lives close to their place of birth disintegrated - more people moved to wherever they could find work
        • Because more people had job security (as they migrated), more children were born
      • Kentish towns were very attractive to migrants; they were well established centres of the cloth trade and many of the skilled Dutch weavers took on apprentices, which enticed many to migrate.
    • Reduction in mortality rates
    • Increase in fertility
      • Plague
        • Parish records show that children who died were replaced within ten  years by  their surviving parents
        • When elderly members of families died, the younger members had more of an opportunity to marry.


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