why was de burgh replaced with des Roches?

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  • Why was Hubert de Burgh replaced with Peter des Roches?
    • HDB promoted himself and his own supporters
      • began to change English policy in Ireland so that the area under English control was increased
      • 'isolated in his greatness' - powicke
    • Because H could now grant land in perpetuity HDB was H's greatest beneficiary - annoyed the other earls
      • was made Earl of Kent and given hereditary right over the royal castles and lordships in Montgomery, Cardigan, and Carmarthen, makiing him a powerful marcher baron
    • Death of Stephen Langton 1225 weakened his position as did the vacancy in Canterbury from 1232
    • accusations that HDB had violated MC
    • failure of the war in France - support for the conflict had been, at best, half-hearted as he did not own lands in France
      • a scapegoat was needed and it was easy to point the finger of blame at him
    • financial crisis 1231
      • failure of the war in France - support for the conflict had been, at best, half-hearted as he did not own lands in France
        • a scapegoat was needed and it was easy to point the finger of blame at him
    • PDR came back to england at a time where HDB was weakest
      • financial crisis 1231
        • seen as an international statesman
          • offered an explanation for the failure in France - lack of revenue
            • same in 1230 as in 1199 but inflation meant it was worth 50 % less
            • argued that the revenue wouldn't have declined so much if the King had not granted so much to HDB in land and wardships
      • during the summer of 1232 much of central and local government was controlled by Peter de Rivallis, a kinsman of PDR


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