Why is there a decline in traditional families

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  • Why is there a decline in traditional families
    • More same sex families
      • There are only a very small number of same sex families but has now become more socially acceptable.
        • This because of campaigns by gay rights groups and changes in laws. e.g being able to teach about same sex relationships in schools and an equal age of consent
      • Gay couples can adopt
    • Cohabitation
      • Less people practice religion nowadays. So they do not see living together or having a child outside marriage a sin.
      • Sue Sharpe (2001) suggests that awareness of divorce is one reason why young people see it as a choice than a neccessity
    • More lone-parent families
      • The Divorce Act in the 1960s made it easier for people to get a divorce and usually one parent gets custody of the child
    • More familes from diverse cultural backgrounds
      • In the 1950s more people have come to live in the UK, for many reasons including needing asylum from war and including violence, joining family members who already live here.
      • European law that allows people from the European Union to work in the UK


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