Whoso list to hunt by Sir Thomas Wyatt

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  • Whoso list to hunt by Sir Thomas Wyatt
    • contexts
      • historical
        • anne bolyen was suspected of adultery and eventually beheaded for this. fits in with the pack idea of the poem
        • hunting was a sport only for the rich and powerful
      • social
        • ambassador to france and itality for henry viii, poetry was shaped by these cultural experinces, e.g petrachan sonnet which he translated.
          • He adapted it as swell as wrote in English to show it was a language of love and literature
        • rumoured to have been anne bolyennes lover, and he spent a month in the tower of london
    • Form and meter
      • Petrarch sonnet
        • conclusive couplet, despondent tone
    • Structure
      • octave- our problem, the dear is unattainable
      • sestet and volta, advice, cautionary. solution to give up.
      •  The rhythm is disrupted here from iambic pentameters to the trochaic ‘Fainting I follow’, with the emphasis on the first syllable. This gives extra weight to the idea of the poet’s anxiety and distress Note the alliterative ‘f’s in 'fleeth’, ‘afore’, ‘fainting’ and ‘follow’, to suggest the ‘wooshing’ sound of fast movement.
      • k·        Fleeting enjambment between the lines as if the speaker follows the deer by instinct not choice, also quickens pace of the poem to create the rhythmic chase of the hunt.
    • typicality
    • Language
      • title- declarative, a challenge, an argument
      • extended metaphor of deer, play on words of affectionate colloquialisms dear? the story of Artemis and Adonis, Deer associated with sex and virginity as well as the   hunt
      • Lexical field-dispair
        • alas,wearied, fainting,vain
      • Biblical allusion
        • touch me not- spoken from Jesus to Mary Magdalene. suggests a divine nature about her as well his love. separate from the rest? more so, suggests their love will never be physical but spiritual like Jesus after his ascension
      •  "Diamond" are extremely hard and rare, used to etch, it suggests the diamonds are used to make the message stick as they are so sharp. associated with social class, allusion to hyde park aswell as anne
      • s·    “Wynde” romantic and unrequited imagery, she is nature and power and a physical force but something that is intangible to the speaker, he cant ever hold or have her. Dominance over nature- people never can truly control just as even henry couldn’t control her. Wind is also dangerous, and extremely powerful- again idea of dangerous sexuality.
        • juxtaposition between tame and wild in the last line furthers this. his preconceptions about her and her position make her dangerous,
    • Critcal theory
      • Class/heirarchy
      • gender steryotypes
        • Untitled
    • Big themes/ideas
      • Dangerous sexuality
      • unrequited love
      • Tudor courtship


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