Who else did not benefit from the boom?

A mind map of who else, aside from the farmers, didn't benefit from the boom

  • Created by: Eli
  • Created on: 29-10-13 14:06
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  • Who else did not benefit from the boom?
    • Unemployment
      • While industries grew, they replaced workers with machines
      • The same number of people remained unemployed in the peak of the boom in 1920 as in the rest of the year, yet the amount of goods doubled
    • Wages
      • In 1928 there was a strike in the North Carolina Coal industry where the male workers were only paid $18 and the women $9 for a 70 hour week, when $48 per week was considered a minimum need to live.
      • People in old industries were paid smaller wages
      • The majority of Americans were paid less than $48 a week
      • 42% lived below poverty line due to insufficient income
    • Old industries- coal, leather, textiles
      • Wages didn't increase at same rate as other industries
      • Coal suffered from competition from oil and electricity industries
      • Leather and textiles suffered from competition from new man-made materials
      • Competing with cheap labor from southern states
    • Poor white Americans, immigrant and African Americans
      • Whites didn't benefit from chain stores as they couldn't get discounts
      • First to be fired
      • A large amount of the unemployed were African American or Hispanic
      • Weren't guaranteed credit
    • Unskilled/Semi-Skilled Workers
      • 3% owned a car, in contrast in areas with a wealthy community, 29% owned one
      • Didn't like to buy large items on credit, often bought record players and radios
      • Steel, meat and clothing industries in Chicago hired many semi skilled workers, but had "slack" periods, where they'd be unemployed


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