Whether the synagogue has a main 'use' or 'purpose' within Judaism

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  • Whether the synagogue has a main 'use' or 'purpose' within Judaism
    • Its main purpose or use is to provide a place where Jews can meet as an alternative to the Temple, which was destroyed during the period of the Babylonian exile
      • has served as an important place for Jews to meet since the Babylonian exile
    • Its continued use throughout Jewish history underlines its importance as the means by which Jewish culture and religious identity have been preserved.
    • It has a variety of uses: prayer and worship; social centre, place of education; bet din; and provides the facilities for ritual purity
    • What goes on in the Jewish home is more important than in the synagogue - a person may feel that they're able to carry out a more personal devotion to G-d (and therefore mroe meaningful) in their own home.
      • The home is also where children receive the majority of their education and upbringing in the Jewish lifestyle
    • Study of the Torah and prayer can take place anywhere, and so the synagogue is not really required for these important things
    • has served as an important place for Jews to meet since the Babylonian exile
    • The synagogue, especially as a place of education, has been a major factor in the survival of the Jewish faith


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