Usurpation of the Throne - Richard III

an overview of the steps taken by Richard III in order to successfully usurp the throne from his nephews

  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 20-04-13 14:19
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  • What were the important Stages in the Usurpation of Edward V and Why?
    • Stage 1
      • On the 1st of May Edward V was intercepted on his travels to London By Richard Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Buckingham
      • The interception put delays to Edward V's coronation and allowed Buckingham to arrest Earl Rivers, Sir Thomas Vaughan and others.
      • They imprisoned them in stronghold and executed them a few months later. By Richard capturing Edward's lead protector, it opened the role/position up to him, which he took full advantage of
    • Stage 2
      • On the 13th June 1483 Gloucester set up a council meeting and invited nobles who he believed were scheming against him to attend.
      • These traitors, in the eyes of Gloucester, were then accused of plotting and treason, this was because one of the accused, Hastings, was loyal to Edward IV and would have wanted Edward V to become king.
      • Therefore Richard wanted to get rid of Hastings and co due to there support for Edward V this would hopefully make his succession to the throne easier. On the same day  Hastings was executed without trial so that no one could dispute the decision
    • Stage 3
      • The 22nd June was the rescheduled date for Edward V's Coronation but it was cancelled and on the day instead Friar Ralph delivered a sermon stating how Richard would be the better and rightful air to the throne
      • On the 25th June Buckingham proclaimed in front of the house of lords that the woodvilles were evil and that the marriage between Elizabeth and Edward was illegitimate as he was contracted to another woman before the marriage to Elizabeth.
      • The petition made by Buckingham and the story of illegitimacy therefore made the children become illegitimate so there was no longer no one next in line to the throne other than Richard, The next day Richard was hailed king (26th June 1483)




This is a good resource for revising the steps Richard III took to seize the throne. It breaks key developments down into three logical stages.

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