What impact did public opinion have on wars?

  • Created by: Lewis
  • Created on: 13-12-12 09:24
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  • Civillians and war
    • Leaders
      • In 1814, after 25 years of revolution and invasion, the principle interests of the European governing classes was to prevent the Napoleonic experience from happening again.
        • They aimed to do this by restoring and maintaining the political and social balance which had kept c18th Europe in a state of balance.
          • If military effectiveness on a Napoleonic scale depended on the revolutionary change in society, this was a price that the monarchs of the Restoration were not prepared to pay.
            • As a result, for half a century armies reverted as far as possible to a C18th pattern of aristocratic officers and long-serving professional troops.
  • If military effectiveness on a Napoleonic scale depended on the revolutionary change in society, this was a price that the monarchs of the Restoration were not prepared to pay.
    • As a result, for half a century armies reverted as far as possible to a C18th pattern of aristocratic officers and long-serving professional troops.


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