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  • What genes do
    • What is a gene
      • The basic units of genetic material inherited from our parents. A gene is a section of DNA which controls part of a cell's chemistry - particularly protein production.
      • A gene is a section of DNA that codes for a specific protein. It is the unit of heredity, and may be copied and passed on to the next generation.
    • The nucleus of a cell contains chromosomes, which carry genetic information in a long molecule called DNA. Genes are regions of DNA that carry the code to control a particular cell activity or the production of a particular protein.
    • Genes carry the instructions that control how you develop and function.
      • They do this by telling the cells to make proteins needed for your body to work
    • Each gene is a section of a long molecule of a chemical called DNA
      • Length of DNA are coiled and packed into structures called chromosomes . These are found in the nuclei of the body's cells.
        • We have between 20,000 and 25 000 genes on our chromosomes
          • Strands of DNA are made up of four chemical bases as well as phosphate groups and sugar molecules
            • the order of bases in a DNA strand determines the order of amino acids in a protein
              • Proteins fall into two groups;
                • Functional proteins
                  • enable the body to function, examples include;
                    • ENZYMES
                    • ANTIBODIES
                    • HORMONES
                • Structural Proteins
                  • give the body structure, rigidity and strength examples include;
                    • COLLAGEN
                      • in ligaments
                    • KERATIN
                      • in skin


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