Consequences of the coupon election of 1918

  • Created by: gk3012
  • Created on: 19-03-17 18:32
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  • What were the MAIN consequences of the 1918 coupon election?
    • The coalition government had an overwhelming majority in the commons
      • The coalition won 478 seats out of the 531 that stood
        • This gave them a majority of 119 seats
    • They only gained 47% of the popular vote despite the large political gain
    • The government struggled to run
      • The parties no longer had a common aim like they did during the war
        • Fusion between the two sides failed because the liberals were too worried about losing their identity
    • The conservatives had enough  seats to form a majority in their own right
      • This  meant they didnt need LG and so placed him on thin ice
      • Most of the major seats within the cabinet wwere held bby conservatives meaning although LG could be seen as the driving seat he held very little power.
    • The next largest party ssin fein refused to take their seats and so this lead to the commons beiong almost unnoposed
    • Labour achieved a large percent of the popular vote but very few seats due to the FPTP voting system




The coupon codes election of 1918 had far-reaching consequences that reshaped the political landscape of the United Kingdom. This historic election was held just after World War I and was significant for several reasons

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