What role did Wellington play in the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815?

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  • What role did Wellington play in the defeat of Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815?
    • Formed and lead a western coalition army with British, Belgians, Dutch and Germans. Led events from a HQ in Brussels. He was willing to co-operate closely with Field Marshall Blücher.
    • Maintained that he would be "guided by circumstance" - not making plans that he may have to replace or ignore later on.
    • Held position well at the Battle of Quatre Bras - also accepted the help of the Prussians after their defeat at Ligny.
    • Wellington chose the site of battle himself, selecting three strongpoints for troops to lie in wait.
    • Although he was outnumbered, he knew if he could engage Napoleon for long enough, the Prussian army would be enough to make the British superior.
    • Napoleon was unwell, and therefore unfit to command, but decided to take charge anyway, possibly contributing to the French defeat.
    • Weather conditions on the day of battle were poor, delaying the French, making them an easier target, as it was lighter.
    • Wellington moved troops to good effect - Ney thought he was retreating so decided to attack. Allowed them to form squared repulsing all French attacks. Whilst also allowing bayonets to charge and defeat Napoleon's 'Old Guard'
  • Kym Broughton 12C


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