What Makes Something Newsworthy

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  • What makes something "newsworthy"?
    • Frequency - If the event happened at a regular interval and there is time to place it in the news it is more likely to be included
    • Proximity - If the event relates to the British/UK culture then consumers are more likely to relate
    • The elite and powerful - if the event relates to the wealthy or high status people it is more likely to be included
    • Familiarity - Where events are connected with people or places near to where people live they are more likely to be reported
    • Negativity - Bad news is considered to be more newsworthy than good news
    • Unexpected - If an event is out of the ordinary it will have greater effect
    • Unambiguity - if implications are made clear they make for better news
    • Personalisation - Events can be portrayed as the actions of one good individual and one bad individual
    • Meaningfullness - the sense of identification the audience has with the topic
    • Conflict - Where groups and individuals clash resulting in dramatic effect
    • Consonance - Stories that fit with the media's expectations
    • Continuity - A story that is already in the news gathers a following of interest
    • Composition - The media is competitive and so each company is competing for the most popular story
    • Elite and powerful nations - Stories with powerful global groups are more likely to get coverage


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