What influenced the belief of the cause of disease in the Middle Ages?

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  • What influenced the belied of the causes of disease in the Middle Ages?
    • The Church
      • The Church controlled medical learning
        • It chose which books to copy and distribute.
      • The Church liked the theory of the four humours because it fitted with their teachings: that people have a soul and the body was made for a purpose.
      • The Church strongly discouraged anyone criticising the theory: anyone challenging the classic texts could challenge the Bible.
    • Galen and Hippocrates
      • As Galen was popular with the Church his work was promoted.
      • Galen and Hippocrates' work was preserved by Arab scholars and translated into Latin throughout the Middle Ages.
    • The Invention of the printing press
      • the printing press was developed in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
      • Eventually the printing press led to much faster and easier sharing of medical texts.
        • But not in the medieval period because it was developed so late.
    • Attitudes in society.
      • Medieval people had a strong belief in God and didn't want to go to hell by being critical of the Church.
      • Physicians who did not follow old ideas found it difficult to find employment because a 'good' physician would follow the Theory of the Four Humours.
        • Henri de Mondeville, a 13th century surgeon, questioned the old ways but continued to practice them any way in fear of not finding work.


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