War Communism

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  • Spring 1918 - grain crisis . Lenin expanded the state's 'right to grain' by beginning programme of food requisitioning.
    • War Communism
      • May 1918 - Food supplies policy was set up. Organised large detachments of soldiers and workers from large towns into the countryside to ensure the grains were being delivered to the state.
        • Peasants were paid a fixed price, but grain, livestock carts and firewood were often brutally confiscated.
          • All of this had brought misery to rural areas and peasants hid their crops and grew less, and murdered members of the requisition squad - Cheka had to be used to make the policy work.
      • Nationalisation began to multiply from railways, banks, merchent fleet, power companies and the Putilov Iron Works.
        • November 1920 - Nationalisation was extended to nearly all factories and businesses.
        • Workers lost their freedom, working hours were extended and ration-card workbooks were introduced, replacing wages.
      • All private trade and manufacture were forbidden
      • Political commissars that were attached to each Red Army unit made it their business to indoctrinate the soldiers with Marxist theories that justified harsh economic measures.
      • 1921 - Total industrial output had fallen to around 20% of its pre-war levels and rations had to be cut.
      • Workers went on strike whilst others ignored the internal passport system hoping to find food.
      • Harsh requisitioning and the attack on the Kulaks had reduced grain supplies to a dangerous level.
        • 1920 - Acute food shortage as insufficient grain was planted. A third of land had been abandoned to grass. Cattle and horses were also slaughtered by peasants due to hunger.
          • !921 - Harvest produced only 48% of that of 1913, this caused widespread famine. Millions died.
    • Food requisitioning: Taking grain and other foodstuffs from the peasants at a fixed rate in order to supply the urban workers and soldiers; rate took no account of harvests or local conditions.


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