virtual relationships mindmap

  • Created by: aryan26
  • Created on: 06-02-19 20:00
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  • virtual relationships
    • self disclosure occurs faster- less risk of rejection or info being leaked to friends
    • Walther- hyperpersonal model
      • self disclosure happens earlier so relationships become more intense and feel more meaningful quickly
      • feel more intimate as it is easier to manipulate self disclosure online
      • ppts in online conversations have more time to edit a response to present themselves in a positive light- 'selective self-presentation'
      • positive self image means the partner wants to disclose more so the intensity increases
      • Rubin- like stranger on the train phenomenon suggest we share ore because we aren't likely to see them again
    • Sproull& kiesler- reduced cues theory
      • online relationships may be less honest as we cant rely on subtle cues e.g. facial expressions and tone
      • reduction in cues= de-inviduation because it removes feelings of individual identity and brings on behaviors people usually refrain from
      • may make online communications more aggressive- leads to less disclosure as fear of verbal abuse
    • absence of gating
      • attraction in real life is influenced by mannerisms, appearance and factors like age and ethnicity
      • online these 'gates' are removed so shy less attractive people have more opportunities
      • even when the relationship moves to face-to-face they rarely decrease an already developed attraction
    • research examining
      • Whitty&Joinson- in online forums both qs and answers tend to be more direct than everyday face-to-face interactions
      • Rosenfield& Thomas- importance of online communication for developing relationships
        • investigated whether there was a link between internet access at home and a romantic relationship
          • of 4000 ppts 71.8% of those with internet access were married or had a romantic partner- only 35.9% without access
      • Baker&Oswold- absence of gating is useful for shy people
        • 2017 male and female ppts. completed a questionnaire scoring answers in terms of shyness, internet use and perception of quality of friendships
        • those who scored highly on internet use and shyness perceived quality of friendships as high
      • Zhao- absence of gating improves offline relationships by enhancing overall self image
    • evaluation
      • supported by research
      • Paine et al: degree of disclosure depends on whether a website user anticipates the info to become available to a wider audience
        • people present an edited version of themselves to create a socially desirable identity.
      • people are involved both online and offline relationships everyday. offline relationship influence online ones and vice vesa
        • this means there are fewer differences than explanations suggest
      • Sproull&Kiesler- disclosure can often decrease due to lack of cues- leads to increased aggression and people don't want to disclose to aggressive peopel
        • rejected by Tidwell&Walther- virtual relationships have subtle clue e.g. time taken to respond or emojis
    • issues and debates
      • Nakanishi- compared to american culture women in japan preferred lower disclosure
      • based on western technologically advanced cultures
      • gender differences- McKenna et al: women rated relationships formed online as more intimate and valued disclosure  in regards to emotion more highly than men
        • men preferred activity based disclosure and rated online relationships as less close than face-to-face ones
        • shows alpha bias- assumes male and female experiences are different. experiences may be similar but methodological weaknesses exaggerate them
  • issues and debates
    • Nakanishi- compared to american culture women in japan preferred lower disclosure
    • based on western technologically advanced cultures
    • gender differences- McKenna et al: women rated relationships formed online as more intimate and valued disclosure  in regards to emotion more highly than men
      • men preferred activity based disclosure and rated online relationships as less close than face-to-face ones
      • shows alpha bias- assumes male and female experiences are different. experiences may be similar but methodological weaknesses exaggerate them


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