Virtual Relationships- AO3

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  • Virtual Relationships A03
    • 1. (I) May be detrimental to social skills of young people.
      • (F) CMC can provide practise for awkward or anxious teens- provides a bubble of safety
      • (A) Only develop online social skills- RL interactions become more difficult and avoided
      • (D) More time on VR than FTF - miss out on social cues and skills that develop from them
      • (T) Although it can provide a bubble, still does not have a positive effect that HYM or AOGT suggest.
    • 2. (I) FTF relationships can be affected by a virtual element
      • (F) An issue with studying the effect of CMC is that most research conducted is from the 1990s/2000s, where CMC was very different to CMC now, due to the speed at which it advances- temporal validity.
      • (T) Research into CMC can also provide research for its affect on FTF relationships, not just virtual ones. However, the temporal validity of research must be considered when studying CMC.
      • (A)  Shows how the presence of CMC can provide security in a relationship, but also provide a source of dissatisfaction
      • (D) Lenhart and Duggan (2014)- LTR- 25% texted whilst together at home, 21% made feel safer, especially after disagreements, 8% suffered due to spouses VRs
    • 3. (I) Reduced Cues Theory may not be valid for modern CMC
      • (D) Walter and Tidwell argue cues in CMC are different, not absent- emoji, writing style, timing etc. Physical cues are not needed in CMC to express emotions as CMC has developed cues that replace these physical cues.
      • (A) The absence of physical/ emotional cues does not have such a negative affect as the RCT suggests.
      • (F) As well as this, the RCT cannot be used to explain VR in all cultures anyways , due to restricted/ limited access to the internet, so suufers from culture bias.
      • (T) Walter and Tidwell provide contradictory evidence to the RCT, reducing its validity, and the culture bias of the theory further limits this validity.


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