
  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 08-05-14 22:33
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  • Variation
    • Variation are the differences  within a species.
    • Most characteristics (e.g. body weight, height, skin colour) are determined by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.
    • Environmental variation causes a wide range of differences (e.g. diet, exercise, temperature)
    • Different genes cause genetic variation. Genetic variation also occurs due to mutations - these cause differences in an organisms characteristics.
      • Some characteristics  are determined only by genes (e.g. eye colours, blood group, inherited disorders).
    • Continuous variation is when the individuals in a population vary within a range - no distinct categories.
      • A graph of continuous variation is an example of a normal distribution curve (a bell shaped curve).
    • Discontinuous variation is where there are two or more distinct categories - each individual falls into only one of these.
  • Different genes cause genetic variation. Genetic variation also occurs due to mutations - these cause differences in an organisms characteristics.
    • Some characteristics  are determined only by genes (e.g. eye colours, blood group, inherited disorders).


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