US Chapter 6 - propositions, referendums, recall elections

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  • Propositions, referendums and recall elections
    • Referendums
      • an electoral device by which voters can effectively veto laws passed by their state legislature
      • In 2012, state legislatures held 112 referendums
      • different to propositions because instead of citizens taking the initiative, they are acting on something the state legislature has already done
      • popular referendums: if the state legislature passes a law that voters don't like, if they gain enough signatures (varies from state to state) a referendum will be called, law pending until result of referendum announced
        • used in 24 states
      • in some states used for constitutional amendments, in others for changes to state tax
    • Propositions
      • an electoral device by which voters put forward proposals of laws - and in some states constitutional amendments - which are placed on a state ballot
      • types
        • indirect - proposals are submitted to the state legislature and next actions are decided there
        • direct - proposals are placed directly on the state ballot
      • examples from 2016
        • marijuana legislation, approved in CA, ME, MA, defeated in AZ
        • minimum wage increase, approved in AZ, CO, WA
        • gun control - background checks for gun purchases, accepted: CA, NV, defeated: ME
    • Recall elections
      • electoral device by which voters can remove an elected official before their time in office has expired
      • used in 19 states
      • pros
        • makes candidates more accountable - can be recalled at any point when they're in office
      • cons
        • some believe that it undermines the electoral process, gives voters opportunity to vote candidates out based on short-term dissatisfaction
          • critics believe voters should have to live with the consequences of who they vote for, unless a candidate has committed an impeachable offence
      • example
        • governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, recalled in 2012 because voters were not happy with his changes to pensions and limiting of collective bargaining rights of trade unions (he was re-elected)


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