Royal authority under Mary I

Mary I and her ministers

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  • Royal Authority under Mary I
    • In 1553, faced with Lady Jane Grey's challenge, Mary acted bravely, decisively and quickly. She gathered Catholic supporters among the nobility and gentry and on over those who resented the brutality with which Kett's rebellion had been suppressed.
      • As a result, she was proclaimed queen in July 1553.
        • However, Mary was a committed Catholic in a kingdom where reforms in favour of Protestantism were well advanced. Furthermore, she, nor her most loyal supporters, had any real political experience.
    • Royal government under Mary
      • Although female, Mary was determined to play an active role in government. She selected a large group of Privy Councillors to help her in this, including Catholic nobles and churchmen, such as Bishop Stephen Gardiner, who became the Lord Chancellor until his death in 1555.
        • She also called on the services of moderates from Edward's reign, such as William Paget. This brought some factional rivalry, although it provided Mary with some experienced officials.
        • However, the queen increasingly ignored the Council and turned instead to Simon Renard, the ambassador of Charles V and later adviser to Philip II. He acquired tremendous influence over Mary and, until her marriage to Philip of Spain in 1554, virtually directed English affairs. Mary also relied on Cardinal Pole, who became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1556
    • Mary and Parliament generally cooperated, with a few disagreement over Mary's religious policies and the succession
      • A significant minority of MPs opposed the reversal of the Edwardian religious legislation
      • MPs proved reluctant to restore ex-monastic property to the Church, out of concern for property rights
      • Parliament defeated a 1555 bill to allow the seizure of property of Protestant exiles
      • There was opposition over the issue of the succession


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