Unit: challenges of immigration and integration in France

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  • Unit 8: the challenges of immigration and integration in France
  • Multi-culturalism is compatible with the French values of "liberte, egalite, fraternite" which induces mutual tolerance respectful of the mixing of cultures.
  • 93% of French believe that they live in a diverse society, and according to a recent survey I heard, 3/4 are in favour of this.
  • According to the "Commission nationale et consultative des droits de l'Homme" in 2016, 8% of French believe some races are superior to others
  • After the terror attacks in 2015, there has been a greater existence of Islamophobia.
  • The majority of France (56%) believe immigrants to make their country stronger with skills and talents. The other 39% believe they are a burden because they take jobs and social benefits.
  • It is a shame that racism [subjunctive] is considered to be a problem in France.
  • I believe it is important for the Church to be separate from the State. However, France's desperation to maintain secularism has been damaging.
  • For example "la loi d'interdiction du hijab" is considered to foster, not prevent racism in France. It has also led to lower rates of socio-economic integration of Muslim women.
  • The "HOPE Scheme" was created in Calais 2018 and is funded by the Government for the professional integration of immigrants. It trains workers for fields which have a shortage of workers, such as IT.
  • Integration is a key priority for the French Government.
  • La Cimade Nord Picardie is an association that helps refugees and asylum seekers. It provides legal support so they understand their rights.
  • Immigrants in France face similar problems to immigrants anywhere in the world.
  • For example: the language barrier, employment opportunities, housing and the rise of racism.
  • In 2011, President Sarkozy declared multi-culturalism a failure.
  • 50% believed that Islam is a menace against the national identity.
  • Unemloy-ment is on the rise amongst immigrant, rising from 9% to 9.7% in the same year.
  • 0.6% of immigrants in France are considered illegal


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