Unit 7 and 8 Chemistry

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  • Oxidisation = A reaction where oxygen is added. Reduction = A reaction where oxygen is removed.
  • Incomplete combustion = there isnt enough oxygen for the atoms to burn or form CO2.
  • Cracking is an example of a thermal decompositi-on reaction
  • Cracking breaks longer chain molecules to smaller ALKANE and ALKENE molecules.
  • High demand for short chain but low demand for long chain.
  • 1. Heat crude oil until it evaporates and turns into gas.
    • 2. Pass the vapour over a hot catalyst. At temp between 400-700 degrees.
      • Temp varies depending the length of hydrocarbon desired.
        • 3. The long chain molecule splits apart (CRACKS) giving you the desired product
          • Then separate the 2 products using fractional distillation.
  • When a hydrocarbon chain is cracked, we get an ALKANE nd an ALKENE.
  • The test for an ALKENE (double bond) is to add either Bromine water, or Potassium Permanganate,
    • ALKANE will keep its colour but ALKENE will go colourless.
  • CHLORINE  = Chlorine bleaches damp  litmus paper turning it white.
  • OXYGEN =  Put a glowing splint into a test tube with oxygen. If present the splint will relight.
  • C02 =             Bubble CO2 with an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide (limewater) and solution will go cloudy.
  • HYDROGEN=  Hold a lit splint at the open end of test tube containing hydrogen, and there will be a squeaky pop.


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