UK laws on alcohol

  • Created by: Emily903
  • Created on: 01-05-16 12:09
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  • UK laws on alcohol
    • It is illegal to give alcohol to a child unless under medical supervision in an emergency
    • Children under 16 can go any where in a pub as long as they are supervised by an adult
      • But they cannot have an alcoholic drink. If a pub has had problems with under age drinking they may be subject to licensing conditions which would prevent under 18s from entering
    • 16-18 can drink wine, beer or cider with a meal if bought by an adult and they are accompanied by an adult
      • It is illegal for this group to drink spirits with a meal even if they are accompanied by an adult
    • Under 18s sre not allowed to buy alcohol in a pub, off-license or supermarket or for anyone else to buy alcohol for someone under to age of 18 or consume it in a pub without a meal or in a public place
    • Some towns and cities have local laws banning drinking alcohol in public places e.g. no drinking on London buses, underground


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