Tybalt and Benvolio

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  • Tybalt and Benvolio
    • Personality
      • Tybalt is a troublemaker
        • He is very aggressive - he insisted on fighting Benvolio in Act 1 and wanted to fight Romeo at the Capulet Ball
        • He challenges Romeo to a duel but when he refuses he fights Mercutio instead
          • He kills Mercutio and Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge
      • Tybalt really hates Montagues
        • Tybalt is always starting fights - either for family honour or just because he's mean
        • He must have a nice side too because Juliet, the Nurse and Lady Capulet are really upset when he dies
        • He's portrayed as aggressive and a cheat - he stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm - the audience knows he is fighting dirty
      • Benvolio's kind and peaceful, and he doesn't get killed
        • Benvolio is Romeo's cousin who tries to stop the fighting in Act 1 to no avail
        • He tries to cheer Romeo up by persuading him to go to the Capulet ball
        • He tells Romeo to run after killing Tybalt but stays himself to explain to the Prince - His actions show that he is a good friend
        • Benvolio avoids conflict - he's a peaceful character who tries to do the right thing and stays out of trouble
    • Themes
      • Conflict - The contrast between Benvolio and Tybalt shows that the anger of the feud is impossible to stop
        • Benvolio tries to be peaceful but Tybalt's aggression is stronger
      • Honour - Shakespeare uses Tybalt's character to show how destructive honour can be if taken to the extremes
    • Quotes
      • "I do but keep the peace, put up thy sword" Act 1 Scene 1 (Benvolio)
        • This is an example of Benvolio getting caught up in a fight by trying to stop others getting into trouble
      • "Now by the stock and honour of my kin" Act 1 Scene 5 (Tybalt)
        • This shows how Tybalt is loyal to his family and hates the Montagues
        • Evidence that it is the younger generation who is carrying on the feud rather than the old
          • The feud is considered to be so old that everyone has forgotten what the "ancient grudge" was actually about anyway
            • This suggests that both sides fight out of honour more than revenge


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