Tropical Rainforest-Sustainable Management

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  • Tropical Rainforest-Sustainable Management
    • Selective logging
      • only some trees felled (oldest)- some left standing-keeps overall forest structure for future generations
      • less damaging to the forest
      • least damaging forms are 'horse logging' and 'helicopter logging'-using horses rather than trucks to remove trees from the forest
    • Replanting
      • when new trees are planted to replace ones that have been cut down
        • this means that there will be trees for people to use in the future
      • it is important that the same types of tree are planted-so there is a variety of trees in the future
      • in some countries laws have been made to make companies replant any trees they cut down when logging
    • Reducing demand for hardwood
      • e.g mahogany and teak- dense and hard (used for furniture)
      • richer countries trying to reduce demand-fewer trees cut down so they'll be there for future generations to use
      • some tropical hardwood trees-becoming rarer as they are being chopped down
    • Education
      • educating local people about impacts of deforestation and how to reduce these impacts
        • this means the rainforest is conserved for future generations to use
      • educating them about alternative ways to make money that don't damage the environment e.g ecotourism
    • Ecotourism
      • tourism that doesn't harm the environment and benefits the local people
        • provides a source of income for local people e.g tour guides and hotel staff etc
          • this means that they don't have to log trees to make money so fewer trees are cut down meaning more for the future
      • usually a small scale activity with small numbers of visitors-keeping environmental impacts low
      • little harm to the environment-litter is disposed of properly, and lights are solar powered
      • ecotourism helps the sustainable development of an area because it improves the quality of life for local people without stopping people in the future from getting what they need
    • Reducing debt
      • many tropical rainforests  are in poorer countries e.g Nigeria & Burma
        • they often borrow money from richer countries/organisations to cope with emergencies like floods
          • but this money has to be paid back so they allow logging, farming and mining to make money to pay back the debt
    • Protection
      • environmental laws e.g banning illegal logging/ban logging of species like m,ahogany
      • many countries set up national parks and nature reserves where logging is restricted


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