Trends, volume and patterns of international trade and investment

  • Created by: steloah1
  • Created on: 02-05-22 15:20
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  • Trends in the volume and pattern of international trade
    • Trends in the volume of trade
      • Emergence of free market ideas at the end of the 20th century saw a push to removes international trade barriers
        • Regional trade agreements emerged (RTAs)
          • Reinforced by GATT in 1947 (General agreement on tarrifs and Trade)
            • Replaced by the more effective WTO in 1995 that aimed to est. free trade globally
            • Average tarrifs have shrunken to 1/10th of their level when GATT began operating
              • This increase has slowed down significantly due to the recession in 2008 and have not regained the pace of the 90's
                • During recession, trade inevitably falls, this sets back the process of globalisation
    • Trends in the pattern of trade
      • Trade patterns have greatly shifted due to the greater integration of economies
        • Still dominated by HIC's
          • USA, Germany and Japan account for 25% of global trade
            • Combined with other G& countries = 75%
          • Dominance is being challenged by NEEs - particularly China
            • Trade is shifting East
    • Trends in investment
      • It is difficult to jumpstart any economic growth without an 'injection of capital'
      • Each year, more that $1 Trillion in FDI flows into countries around the world
        • Unequal distribution
          • In 2011, the UN conference on trade and development found that
            • The US received $258 billion
            • China received $220 billion
            • Belgium received $102 billion
      • 3 Main attractions for investment
        • Plentiful natural resources
          • Mongolia, Liberia and Congo have attracted investment from the mining corp. Arcelor Mittal, a Luxemborg based TNC
        • Large and accessible consumer markets
          • America
        • Financial services
          • Singapore, Luxemborg and Wall Street in New York




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I think that trends, volume and patterns of international trade and investment are important for the economic development of a country. Trends can be seen in history. For example, the number of people trading with each other has increased over time. Volume can be measured by how much money is flowing across borders which can lead to more jobs being created as a result of this flow of money. If you want to stay fit then you should try this magnesium glycinate because of its usefulness. Patterns can be seen in history too; we tend to think that there are only two ways to make money - by trading or by producing goods or services - but things are more complex than that because there are many different products and services out there which people can choose from depending on their preferences and needs.

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