Cohabitation, Divorce, Marriage

  • Created by: Lmm119
  • Created on: 30-04-17 14:43
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  • Trends and Explanations
    • Marriage
      • The amount of marriages is decreasing. It's more acceptable to live in other family structures so people are.
      • Women are less economically dependent on a husband now as there are benefits available and they an both work and have children. There's less stigma towards it.
      • Marriages are also decreasing because some women don't want to marry due to the oppression and patriarchal institution/ideology attached to it.
      • There's more freedom to choose if people want to marry or not, less stigma.
      • People are getting married later in life. This may be because they haven't found someone, they don't want to marry straight away or want a career first.
      • The churches influence is declining. Less people are religious.
        • 3% of non religious people marry and 17% of religious people marry.
      • More people have a fear that marriage will end in divorce. (40% of marriages end in divorce), so don't get married.
      • Rise in divorce rates
    • Cohabitation
      • 1 out of 8 people are now cohabitating, this is an increase.
      • There's a decline in stigma against sex outside marriage. This means more people are begining to cohabit instead of marrying.
      • There are more opportunities available for people. This means there is less need for the financial support from marriage. More people then cohabit.
      • People with no religion are more likely to cohabit. Secularisation (churches involvement) has decreased.
      • Some use cohabitation as a trial run before marriage, or don't see the difference so just don't get married.
    • Divorce
      • In 1971 there was only 53% of women working. Now in 2013 there was 67%.
      • More women are working and don't need or depend on a marriage.
      • Working women can afford to divorce and can access more work.
      • Secularisation. Less influene of the church so less people feel inclined to stay married.
      • 40% of marriages end in divorce.
      • 1949, 1969 and 1984 divorce acts made it easier for people to divorce.
      • Michell and Goody say there is less stigma towards getting diorce. Its more acceptable for people to divorce.
      • Crow believes there is more justification for divorce. There is more expected from a marriage now and some people may not be able to show it. There may not be love, satisfaction or personal commitment.
      • Women are breaking away frpm oppression and patriarchy.


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