transport in cells

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  • Transport in Cells
    • Diffusion
      • Definition: The spreading out of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
        • Simpler terms: The gradual movement of particles from places where there are lots of them to places where there are fewer of them.
      • It happens in both solutions and gases because the particles are free to move randomly.
      • Rate of diffusion can be effected by the concentration gradient, temperature and surface area.
    • Osmosis
      • Definition: The movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration.
        • A partially permeable membrane is a membrane with very small holes and so only water molecules are small enough to fit through.
      • Water molecules pass both ways through the membrane.
      • Osmosis is a type of diffusion.
    • Active Transport
      • Definition: The movement of particles against a concentration gradient using energy transferred during respiration.
        • A concentration gradient is a difference in concentration between two areas next to each other.
      • Active transport in plant roots
        • Active transport allows the plant to absorb minerals from a very dilute solution, against a concentration gradient.
      • Active transport in the gut
        • Active transport is used in the digestive system when there is a lower concentration of nutrients in the gut, but higher concentration of nutrients in the blood.


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