psychology Topic A

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  • Topic A- How we see, Depth cues and Gestalt laws
    • Perception- brain correctly interpreting what the eyes see
    • Structure Of The Eye
      • Pupil- allows light to enter the eye
      • Retina- Light sensitive layer of eye, contains rod+ cone cells
        • Rod Cells- sensitive to light and detect movement- found in edges of retina
        • Cone Cells- only work in intense light and detect colour- found in centre of retina
      • Optic Nerve- transmits impulses to brain from retina at back of eye
        • Neural Impulses- electrical signals along dendrites to produce nerve impulse or action
          • Visual Cortex- part of cerebral cortex that receives and processes sensory nerve impulses from eyes
        • Optic Chiasma- where optic nerves from both eyes meet each other
    • Depth Cues
      • Monocular Depth Cues- only need one eye
        • Relative Size- allows you to determine how close objects are to an object of known size
        • Texture Gradient- change in appearance of objects from coarse to fine - detailed- closer and less distinct- further away
        • Height In The Plane- objects that are far away from the horizon are perceived as farther away
        • Super Imposition- object that covers another is  closer
        • Linear Perspective- two identical items appear to vary in size with amount of distance involved and why roads appear to narrow with distance
      • Binocular Depth Cues- depth perception requires both eyes
        • Stereopsis- our eyes are located beside each other, because of this each eyes view of  a scene is slightly different. These two pictures, are sent to brain and fused to create three-dimensional picture
          • Dominant Eye- tendency to prefer visual input from one eye to the other
    • Size Constancy- perceive an object as being same size regardless of how close or far away it is
    • Gesalt Law- object, idea, or experience as being more than the sum of its parts. When you put the parts together, you get the whole
      • Gesalt- good form
      • Figure Ground- separating a figure from a back ground
      • Similarity- group together objects or stimuli that seem similar to each other
      • Proximity- Proximity means closeness, group things that are close together
      • Continuity- create continuous patterns and perceive connected objects as uninterrupted
      • Closure- fill in visual gaps in order to perceive disconnected parts as a whole object


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