To what extent were Stalin's cultural changes Communist

  • Created by: EllieMH
  • Created on: 25-03-20 10:07
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  • To What extent were Stalin's Cultural changes Communist?
    • Education
      • No not communist
        • From the ages of 15-18 you would have to pay for education and, this begins to cause a class separation with some "more equal than others
        • between 1928-1932 1/3 of undergraduates were party member nominees, highlighting that there was clearly still a form of nepotism present
      • Yes communist
        • Education became compulsory for 10 years from the age of 5. Literacy rates went to 88% in 1939 over the age of 9 from 51% in 1926
    • Healthcare
      • Communist
        • He wanted free healthcare for, much like Lenin. And the number of doctors and nurses increased significantly in the 1930
      • Not communist
        • Those who lived in severely famine hit areas got little help from the central government E.G. Kazakhstan and Ukraine
        • Never fully recovered from the various Famines that occurred throughout Stalin's rule and between 1941-1945 6 million civilian deaths were due to starvation
    • Religion/ Women and family
      • Not Communist
        • Used Religion as a way to motivate soldiers in the war E.G. Leningrad as it was a way to boost morale,. However,  all strands of Christianity were brought under Orthodox church control as a way to control religion politically
        • Family was exploited as crucial to the soviet culture after years of high divorce rates (1930s = 1 divorce for every 2 marriages)
        • Those women who did do well in the Soviet Regime tended to be unmarried and without children, highlighting a society with unequal chances
    • Conclusion
      • ultimately, although Ideologically Stalin was promoting an equal state with the workers as the core, when put into practice this wasn't the case with most people doing well having some relation with the Government or the Intelligentsia. which isn't a communist system as not every is equal, and those who benefited the most were also invariably Intelligentsia, and as Stalin himself pointed out there were 3 classes present in society


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