Tissue by Imitiaz Dharker

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  • Tissue by Imitiaz Dharker
    • Language
      • turned to your skin
      • shines through "their" borderlines. "maps too"
        • gods faith in displaced people- dhakers themes.
        • metaphorically at a border in her mind cannot leave her old beliefs doesnt want go on.
        • "their" pronoun, oneness of human suffering and greater human experience of pain and suffering is not personal
        • doesnt want sepaerate and obstacles and divison.
      • paper thinned by age or touching
        • holding onto the things- we should be willing to let go and let things be.
      • tissue- fragility, transparency to life that paper doesn't have, a simplicity we don't have
        • dreaming of tissue has connotations of warmth and care and a necessity to protect
        • represents premonitions about people, places and things- things don't last
        • protection- wrapped, materialistic, negative and false
      • what was paid for by credit card might fly our lives like paper kites
        • money controls people, kites fragile and innocence and freedom. juxtaposition of the materialistic credit card and the kite- corrupted by money?
        • that our idealistic memories are only created through economic security- privilege in innocence.
        • wanting childhood back- can't buy it back
          • credit card- banks issue money on credit, its controlled by them, even these things the speaker believes are her memories do not belong to her but global institutions.
        • kites- made of paper, used in millatry and tech as well as decoration and celebrations- more than just objects?
        • "what"- perhaps an attack on modern economics and dehumanizing, but also our emotional debts and prices we have to pay
      • "if buildings were paper i might feel their drift, see how easily they fall away on a sigh a shift in the direction of the wind
        • allusion to the twin towers
          • a lot of the collection this poem is taken from were written in response to the attacks, and about the effects afterwards on the global community.
          • Untitled
        • futility of power, contrasts of buildings and cities, control
      • semantic filed- architect, rebuild a new world, "never again building with brick"- building with peoples intrest at heart
        • shapes that pride can make find a way to trace a grand degsin
          • gods grand design- to untie us. ironic as the world is a mess
    • context
      • from Dharkers poetry collection"the terrorist at my table"- related to religion, terrorism and global politics,
      • born in Scotland, has Pakistani origins and is Muslim
    • structure
      • use of  extended metaphors, skins and tissue, maps and architiect
      • lots of enjambment. continues throughout stanzas= lack of control.
    • form and metre
      • unrhymed irregular quatrains.
      • 10 stanzas, 9 regular, 1 on its own
        • the last stanza= lasting reminder and


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