Latin- Thermae- The Roman Baths

Mind map about the Roman Baths.

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  • Thermae- Roman Baths
    • Visited in the middle of the afternoon.
    • Most Pompeians didn't have a bathroom at home, so they visited the public baths regularly.
      • They could exercise, meet friends and have a snack there too.
    • Situated north of the forum.
    • The admission fee was about as small as a penny.
    • The Palaestra was the exercise arena. It was an open space surrounded by a colonnade.
      • In the Palaestra you would greet friends and take part in exercises like throwing a large ball, wrestling and fencing.
    • The apodyterium was the changging room. Here the Pompeians would hand their cloths to a slave attendant who would place them in holes along the wall.
      • The frigidarium is the cold room, where they would take a plunge in a deep circular pool of unheated water.
    • The tepidarium is the warm room. They would sit on benches and perspire gently in the steamy atmosphere of the room.
      • They would then enter the caldarium. This is the hot room, in which they would be rubbed down with olive oil while they lie on a marble slab.
      • The dirt would be scraped of with a metal strigil. Then the skin is massaged and you would rinse yourself off in a large stone basin filled with cold water.


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