The Psychodynamic explanation of offending behaviour.

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  • The psycho-dynamic explanation of offending behaviour.
    • The Superego.
      • Is the morality principle. A healthy supergo will feel guilt for behaving badly.
        • Blackburn: argued that if an individual's superego is inadequate then their conscience has not developed properly therefore they are more likely to commit crime.
      • The Weak Superego: If same-sex parent is absent during the phallic stage, the child cannot internalise a fully formed superego as there is no opportunity for identification. They are dominated by the ID.
      • The Deviant Superego: is the child internalises has immoral or deviant values would lead to offending behaviour.
    • Defence Mechanisms.
      • Sublimation: displacing emotions onto/into a constructive activity not destructive.
      • Displacement: taking out anger on substitute object.
    • Bowlby's Maternal Deprivation Theory
      • In relation to crime= Bowlby suggested failing to establish a maternal bond could lead to a number of damaging & irreversible consequences in later life. Affectionless Psychopathy.
      • Evaluation
        • Strengths: useful applications, as the theory highlights the importance of children forming emotional attachment in early life in order to avoid potential  offending.
        • Challenging Research: Lewis analysed data drawn from interviews with 500 young people and found maternal deprivation was a poor predictor of future.
        • Issues with Causation: even if there is a link between prolonged separation and committing a crime later in life, doesn't mean link between maternal deprivation and offending. Maternal deprivation could be just one factors, other factors e.g. genetics may play a part.
    • Evaluation.
      • Challenging evidence: Very little evidence that children raised without same-sex parent are less law-abiding. If children with deviant parents could be deviant due to genetics etc. Also criminals try to avoid getting caught.
      • Lack of empirical support: there is a lack of evidence to support the idea which limits the explanation. Also the concept cannot be tested empirically. and lacks falsifiability.
      • Gender Bias: Freud said women develop a weaker superego than men, which implies women should be more prone to offending. This is not supported by any evidence. Has alpha bias.
  • Evaluation.
    • Challenging evidence: Very little evidence that children raised without same-sex parent are less law-abiding. If children with deviant parents could be deviant due to genetics etc. Also criminals try to avoid getting caught.
    • Lack of empirical support: there is a lack of evidence to support the idea which limits the explanation. Also the concept cannot be tested empirically. and lacks falsifiability.
    • Gender Bias: Freud said women develop a weaker superego than men, which implies women should be more prone to offending. This is not supported by any evidence. Has alpha bias.


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