Some A2 theories in Child Acquisition.

Not all of the theorists but a few of the main ones.

  • Created by: Alice
  • Created on: 22-05-13 11:46
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  • Theories in A2 English Language- Language acquisition.
    • Chomsky 1965, Nativist
      • Said that language acquisition is innate and it is a 'biological inevitability'
        • Each child is said to have a Language Acquisition Devise which allows them to  take in and use grammatical rules of the language.
        • Berko supported this with the 'Wug' test when children knew when to make a word plural.
    • Piaget 1986-1980, Cognitive
      • A child needs to develop certain mental abilities before it can acquire particular aspects of language.
    • Vygotsky
      • Came up with the term 'scaffolding', where a child  will learn by being helped by a caregiver.
        • Scaffolding is the process of transferring a skill from adult to child and then withdrawing the support once the skill has been mastered.
      • Suggests that social interaction, and experiencing different social and cultural contexts are very important for development
    • Halliday's language functions:
      • Instrumental:fulfilling a need. REGULATORY: influencing others. INTERACTIONAL: used to improve social skills. PERSONAL: expressing a view. HEURISTIC:learn to explore the environment.IMAGINATIVE: usiing their imagination. RREPRESENTATIONAL: exchanging information.
    • Bruner
      • Came up with the 'Learning Acquisition Support System'
        • The caregiver will support the child in social situations.
    • Brown- inflections
      • found that children learnt inflections in this order: present participle, plural, possessive, articles, past tense, third person singular verb ending and auxiliaries.
  • Skinner 1975, Behaviorist:
    • Argued that language is aquired by imitation and when caregivers give praise to the child for speaking correctly, the child is likely to repeat it.
      • The adult is likely to  reinforce the child by repeating words and phrases back to them and correcting the mistakes.
    • Theories in A2 English Language- Language acquisition.
      • Chomsky 1965, Nativist
        • Said that language acquisition is innate and it is a 'biological inevitability'
          • Each child is said to have a Language Acquisition Devise which allows them to  take in and use grammatical rules of the language.
          • Berko supported this with the 'Wug' test when children knew when to make a word plural.
      • Piaget 1986-1980, Cognitive
        • A child needs to develop certain mental abilities before it can acquire particular aspects of language.
      • Vygotsky
        • Came up with the term 'scaffolding', where a child  will learn by being helped by a caregiver.
          • Scaffolding is the process of transferring a skill from adult to child and then withdrawing the support once the skill has been mastered.
        • Suggests that social interaction, and experiencing different social and cultural contexts are very important for development
      • Halliday's language functions:
        • Instrumental:fulfilling a need. REGULATORY: influencing others. INTERACTIONAL: used to improve social skills. PERSONAL: expressing a view. HEURISTIC:learn to explore the environment.IMAGINATIVE: usiing their imagination. RREPRESENTATIONAL: exchanging information.
      • Bruner
        • Came up with the 'Learning Acquisition Support System'
          • The caregiver will support the child in social situations.
      • Brown- inflections
        • found that children learnt inflections in this order: present participle, plural, possessive, articles, past tense, third person singular verb ending and auxiliaries.
  • once a child is aware of the existence of an objects, they are likely to learn the word for it.


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