sociology theory revision

  • Created by: Ptv4aday
  • Created on: 17-01-17 17:05
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  • theories perspectives of society
    • marxism
      • relationship between the classes is explotive
        • the amount of money employer pays  the worker is less than the total value of goods that workers produce. the difference between the two is called the surplus value. marx says that the capitalist extract the surplus from the worker and profit is basically accumulated exploitation of workers
      • control of the economic base means control of the super structure
        • those who have economic power control all other institutions. for example voting was restricted to men with property
      • ideological control
        • the ruling class use their control to keep the masses ignorant of their exploitation through ideological control which creates a false class conscience
      • capitalism causes alienation
        • workers become alienated from the process of production because they lack control over their work and is a machine
      • competition leads to increasing levels of explotation. this leads to revolution
        • capitalism will eventually create social conditions that would lead to its downfall. to stay competitive capitalists will have to sell goods at lower prices which reduces profit. this makes working conditions worse for the WC and increased exploited workers in expanding cities will eventually  lead revolution
        • the class structure is now more complex. we now have an expanding middle class
        • institutions today have RELATIVE AUTONOMY  from the ruling class control. huge sections of the press are critical of the elite and artists are critical of the capitalist system
    • functionalism
      • society functions as as a body. each function has a role to play
        • social institutions need to work together for society to function properyl
        • DURKHEIM: the division of labour is key to regulating society. Their individual tasks help create value consesus
        • needs to be consensus and order in society and if there is deviance then this leads to change
          • change must occur to maintain stability


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