AS Sociology Families and Households Theories/Perspectives

  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 30-11-12 15:01
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  • Radical Feminists
    • Feminists
      • The goals of feminism are to demonstrate the importance of women, to reveal that historically women have been subordinate to men, to bring about gender equity.
      • Feminists fight for the equality of women and argue that women should share equally insociety’s opportunities and scare resources.
      • Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. The movement organizedaround this belief.
      • Feminist Theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to empower women worldwide.
      • Feminism can be defined as a recognition and critique of male supremacy combined withefforts to change it.
    • Radical Feminists believe that the patriarchal oppression and exploitation of women isbuilt into every aspect of the way society is organized.
    • In particular, the family is identified as the social institution in which patriarchy is rooted.
    • Radical feminists argue that, through gender-role socialization, women are socializedinto accepting female subordination and into seeing motherhood as their main goal inlife.
    • They also argue that men aggressively exercise their physical, economic and cultural power to dominate women in all areas of social life, and particularly in personal relationships, such as marriage, domestic care, childcare and sex.
  • Theories
    • Feminists
      • The goals of feminism are to demonstrate the importance of women, to reveal that historically women have been subordinate to men, to bring about gender equity.
      • Feminists fight for the equality of women and argue that women should share equally insociety’s opportunities and scare resources.
      • Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. The movement organizedaround this belief.
      • Feminist Theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to empower women worldwide.
      • Feminism can be defined as a recognition and critique of male supremacy combined withefforts to change it.
    • Marxists
      • Believe that there is a ruling class and a working class, and the ruling class exploit the working class,
        • Society is based on an exploitive and unequal relationship between the two classes
      • Focuses upon the economic system as being responsible for the behaviour of individuals.
      • The working class rarely challenge the system because those who own the economic systemcontrol socialisation and education etc.
      • The media convince us that our priority should be to but more and more consumer goods.
      • We fail to notice the inequalities and exploitation in a capitalist country as its seen as thenorm.
    • Radical Feminists
      • Radical Feminists believe that the patriarchal oppression and exploitation of women isbuilt into every aspect of the way society is organized.
      • In particular, the family is identified as the social institution in which patriarchy is rooted.
      • Radical feminists argue that, through gender-role socialization, women are socializedinto accepting female subordination and into seeing motherhood as their main goal inlife.
      • They also argue that men aggressively exercise their physical, economic and cultural power to dominate women in all areas of social life, and particularly in personal relationships, such as marriage, domestic care, childcare and sex.
    • Functionalists
      • Many of our traditional beliefs about the family are influenced by functionalism.
      • Functionalism is a structural theory in that it believes the social structure of society isresponsible for shaping us as individuals (institutions, such as the economy, education,media, law, religion and the family.
      • Functionalists are interested in how these institutions like the family, function and contributeto the maintenance of school order, and how they integrate with other functions.
    • New Right Thinkers
      • It’s based on the idea that the traditional nuclear family and its values (mum, dad and kids,parents are married, dad is in paid employment) are best for society.
      • New Right theorists believe that social policies on the family, children, divorce and welfarehave undermined the family.
      • New Right theorists are particularly concerned about giving lots of welfare benefits to singlemothers. They also think that it's a very bad idea to have children brought up in familieswhere adults aren't working and in lone parent families or fatherless families.
      • New Right sociologists believe that the increase in lone-parent and reconstituted families andthe easier access to divorce have led to a breakdown in traditional values. They say that thiscauses social problems such as crime increase.




really good mindmap. should help a lot. Thankyou. :)

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